26 August 2011

What is Credit Scoring?

Credit scoring is creating havoc for mortgage applications to high street lenders. Most lenders credit score applications based upon the amount of credit you have, whether you are on the electoral role and your recent payment profile. If the computer says ‘no’, you will tend to find all high street lenders doors shut to you. Even your bank, with whom you’ve been a loyal customer to for many years, reports back that you have a low credit score, the computer says “no” and they will not offer you a mortgage.

But you have no credit problems: you have a good income: no debts and you are looking to buy a property or maybe remortgage. This is a dramatically increasing scenario. The world of credit scoring (tick box mentality) has taken over and there’s no arguing with the lender once their technology has made the decisions.
All credit scores include a credit search – this reviews your financial history, payments to utility suppliers, mobile phones, etc . Every financial institution from mobile phone companies to insurance companies will carry out a credit search before offering you their services. This can also be a negative though, as the more credit searches you have, the lower your credit score maybe.

Fear not! There is light at the end of the tunnel. AToM recognised that good clients were being rejected by lenders for no apparent reason and has built up exclusive relationships with a number of lenders who will assess an application manually and seek to offer assistance to such customers. This is our alternative to ‘the computer says no’ and have found an avenue for the right deals working with lenders that not only manually underwrite cases, but who have an appetite to lend. We call this Complex Prime and it does not just include those turned away by their bank for low credit scores. It could be a case scenario that needs a bit of lateral ‘out of the box’ thinking by an underwriter keen to say ‘yes’. This could include cross collateral security for clients who are asset rich: a sympathetic view for those who have trouble in proving ‘real’ income: customers who need guarantors or maybe just need someone to sit down, review the whole picture and advise on the best route to take.

I have always suggested that you speak to an independent mortgage broker with access to whole of market mortgages. Banks may only advise on their product range. Estate Agents ‘in-house’ mortgage advisers may only be able to offer mortgages from a select panel of lenders. Therefore, in order to get best advice, make sure you do your homework, speak to a whole of market mortgage broker who can advise on the most appropriate mortgage in the market to meet your requirements, whether this be with a credit score or just a credit search.

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