A large myth suggests that because you are self
employed, you will find it harder to get a mortgage.
Maybe that was so a few years ago, but not
Yes, the financial crash took its toll on the
self employed and quite rightly killed off the ‘self certification’ type deals
(no proof of income). But today lenders are quite happy to lend to those
who are self employed and have a good track record. The majority of
lenders require two years accounts and will tend to average your last two years
figures. However, there are also some lenders who will look to assist you
even if you are in your first year. Some will also consider just last
year’s figures, even if you have been self employed for longer.

Some lenders do not require to see your full
accounts, but will require an accountants certificate to be completed.
This differs lender to lender. Some will require a full set of accounts and/or
an accountants certificate! Some will require this and/or SA302s, tax year
overviews and more. All can be requested via HMRC.
They may also require to review business bank
statements to review day to day cashflows and possible projections for future
income, including potential contracts, etc.
can also change depending on the make up of your self employment, whether a
sole trader, partnership, Ltd company director and so on.
requirements can range lender to lender, but the bigger deposit you have, the
greater the number of deals will be available to you.
plan ahead. Six months ahead of your mortgage requirements, make sure you
have your house in order. Check your bank statements are in good order,
check you have the right accounts and relevant paperwork from your
accountant. Don’t have too many credit searches in a short amount of time
as this could affect your credit score. Ensure you are on the electoral
role and have decent breathing space on card limits and loans. All of
this should put you in a good position before the lender even looks at their
ability to lend to you!
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